Friday, February 5, 2016

The Value of Your Brand...

Well, it's been a few weeks or like, a month, so I thought it might be time for a blog post...

This time I'm spinning this blog post a little differently.  Usually I write about a hobby or a topic of the day or something to that tune.  Something someone has picked for me.  Today I'm writing from the heart but my business heart...I don't even know what that is, so watch might be completely opinionated, but here it goes, it's my blog, so it's my opinion.

Today I want to write about business.  Specifically I want to talk about small business and community and the impact relationships have on your business model and then some.

I own a small business, an insurance agency.  We're a local independent agency.  That means, when you insure with us, you get options and choices.  We write with a lot of different companies and our loyalty lies with our clients and not with a particular insurance company. 

We do the best thing for our clients each and every single time.  Without fail. We're honest, we provide excellent service and we tell the truth, each and every single time.  If we aren't the best option for someone, we tell them.  Each and Every Time!  Are y'all seeing a trend here?! It's my passion to help our clients and our referral partners at each and every opportunity we get.

I know a LOT of people who own businesses and I'm thrilled to be able to say that the people I associate with and connect with on a regular basis are the most upstanding business owners and community involved people that I know.  Our community is small and the people in our business community, for the most part, are the best of the best.  They do the right thing for their clients, they are involved in our community and they are upstanding people.  I'm honored to be associated with these people.  Now, let's keep it every business in our community an upstanding, well run, community focused business...well, uh, no, we don't live in Fantasy Land.... and there are probably more businesses that don't do the right thing than I know if, but I like to give the benefit to there not being that many :) 

So in building business, I am of the feeling that the biggest thing a service business can have is their brand, their name and reputation.  Whether it's my business or your business, whether it's a family business or a large business, it doesn't matter.  WHO you are in your business matters (IMO) more than ANYTHING else.

I hear a lot of people talk about branding and living your brand, being your brand but I'm here tonight to add one more level to that branding thing.  Trademark.  Trademark your brand.  ESPECIALLY if your reputation is something your brand hangs on.  If you don't do it, someone unscrupulous could do it and you could find yourself sharing a name with a business you don't want to have your reputation tied to.

Trademark.Your.Brand.  Trademark.Your.Logo.  Trademark.Your.Tagline.  Get it?  Got it? Trademark it.  While you're at it, Buy it.  Buy your domain name, buy your first and last, buy your kids name (someday they will thank you and at $10 a year, it's okay!), buy any deviation of your business name you can think of, buy your niche market if you have one, these are all things that in one day could become more valuable than you could ever imagine.  If you're an inventor, patent your invention.  Make the investment to PROTECT your business and brand from someone who is afraid of your success (why else would someone want to be you, I mean, flattery is nice and all but it's all about the money in the end).... You hear people say don't let something take up space in your head, well don't let anyone take up space in your wallet that is meant to be a reward for your own hard work! 

Don't make it easy to let someone else have control of your reputation. Here's one thing that I do know....when I put my head on my pillow at night, I can close my eyes and know I have done the right thing in my business, for my clients and that I hold near and dear to my heart.  I can't associate a cost with that; it's priceless.

My family, my friends and my business associates if you own a business, protect your brand before someone tries to snag it out from under you.  You work hard and you bust it every day to make a life you've dreamed of.  Keep on Keeping on and don't let anyone stand in the way of your dreams.  That being said, life isn't perfect and when something happens....remember this... ATTITUDE is everything!  Dealing with a blow allows you some time to be angry, it allows you to vent, especially to your circle, and if you don't have a circle, get one of those too!  You need one!  You have to have those people you trust, that mentor you, that you know you can vent to.  Without those people you'd throw in the towel and nobody's worth you making a decision like that!  So hold your head high, brand your business, protect your brand and kick ass in your industry.  That is all.
