Monday, November 30, 2015

End of The Challenge~ "Freestyle"....

We made it!  Just a couple little snafu's in the month but we are successfully completing the 30 Day Blog Challenge tonight!!  Thirty days of topics was great.  I bet it would be hard to blog every night with no topics...and speaking of that....That's exactly what we're doing tonight!

Tonight's topic:  Anything You Want To Post About....uh.....Multi-Tasking!  That's what I'm going to talk about, because that's what I'm doing right now!

Well, let's my multi-tasking life, I am currently working with my mother on Facebook chat, trying desperately to explain to her how to make a post public vs. just shared to her friends.  She's on an Android tablet and can't figure it out.

Seems every year for Christmas we open the door to frustration by getting either one of my parents an electronic device.  This year we're vowing to go E-free on them!  They want no more electronics and I'm perfectly okay with not taking the time in our visits to train on said devices!  Last year it was ChromeCast, the year before the new iPhone and Android tablet, the year before a new computer...not to mention dad's Nook tablet and holy wow!  Time for this family to break free from the electronics!!!  (Says the girl who just got-and LOVES-her Surface Pro 4)

Along with multi-tasking on Facebook and writing a blog, I'm answering emails that come in on my work email.  I'm also settling up bills with Todd and making online deposits... crazy!  Never a dull moment!

As I do all of this one dog is asleep next to me and one has already gone to bed.  Elise still has her lights on and now it's a mad rush to get this night over with!  I still have a lunch to make (or two) and bags to pack up for tomorrow with all my work stuff.  All this and not even a glass of wine!

I do a lot of I think about this, it's part of what I do all day, every day.  There are people who don't function well when multi-tasking and yet I thrive on it.  One thing to do to me just isn't normal.

There are people who disagree though.  They say (I know who 'they' are this time)...

What you call multitasking is really task-switching, says Guy Winch, PhD, author of Emotional First Aid: Practical Strategies for Treating Failure, Rejection, Guilt and Other Everyday Psychological Injuries. “When it comes to attention and productivity, our brains have a finite amount,” he says. 

“It’s like a pie chart, and whatever we’re working on is going to take up the majority of that pie. There’s not a lot left over for other things, with the exception of automatic behaviors like walking or chewing gum.” Moving back and forth between several tasks actually wastes productivity, he says, because your attention is expended on the act of switching gears—plus, you never get fully “in the zone” for either activity.

I can understand parts of this but it's how I've always worked so I don't know if I'm just used to it or if I truly just have no focus at all!?  Hmmm...some might say I just have no focus!

That same article also says I could have memory issues.  If you ask Todd, he'll tell you I remember every thing...things that were said, things that were done, what he buys at Publix without me.... I just have an odd memory sense....

So far I've seen no memory issues, but I certainly don't want to discover any either!!

Tell me about you---do you multi-task or do you do one task until it's complete and move on to the next?

Until Next Time~~

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day 29 ~ Picture Taker Picture Maker

It's Sunday night after a long weekend.... I barely even looked at my work email.  This weekend we have rested, celebrated, cooked, cleaned, laundered, shopped (local) and had a nice four days together, off work!

Tomorrow kicks off yet another busy week.  I have an event on Thursday night this week and another next week and before you blink, it will be Christmas!

Today's blog post is supposed to be a photo of myself.... I thought that might be kind of boring so I made a couple of collages, one from when I was a kid and one from some of my favorite times since I've been on Facebook (because that's where all the pictures are, ya know!?) :)

So here's a couple collages of things I wanted to share!  I hope you enjoy the look into my life!

The Early Years:

The Current Stuff:

It was so hard to choose these pictures and not overwhelm you guys with photos of the fun times in my life.  I have an awesome time, all the time.... but these are just a quick snapshot...of course my daddy, my hubs, my 96 year old grandmother and I, and my dear friend Laura when she was visiting Tampa several years ago.  There's so much I didn't put in there maybe I'll make another collage for tomorrow....maybe you could just go randomly scroll through my Facebook pictures, they're all there, the good, the bad....the ugly I probably deleted!   :)

Until tomorrow!!!   ~M~

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Day 28~ If it was 11:11, what would be your wish?

It's Saturday....and for significance reasons, I'm going to try to post this at 11:11 ... but we'll see how that all works out.

Today's post reads ... "Do you wish for anything at 11:11?  If so, what do you wish for?"

I have to be honest, I don't pay a bit of attention to wishing for something at 11:11, be it day or night. I see random posts on Facebook of people reminding people it's 11:11 but I really didn't get the significance of it until tonight when I Googled it to see what I could find.

Apparently the common theory is, well, i mean, we already know the numbers are all the same, but it's believed when you see the numbers and make a wish then it's believed to come true.  I call bull-donkeys.... I just don't believe it.

Some people claim that when they see the numbers you should ask for guidance from your 'angels'...again, bull ;)

According to numerology, the number 11 possess the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic.

Whatever you believe, if you are a wisher, or a dreamer and believe those things can come true for all means, keep doing what you're's just not my thing.

As a matter o' fact, in case it's not your thing and you always wondered about it and now you know more and you want to make it your thing....I'm posting early so you're ready if the mood strikes and you want to wish at 11:11....

What would you wish for?

Day 27~ The writing on the....paper

Happy Friday---Yes, I know it's Saturday, and we're a day behind!  I'm working on it!

This post is going to be a photo post.... a picture of my handwriting, so I hand wrote the blog post ;)
In case you can't read it, here's what it says:

Today's blog post is to be a sample of my handwriting.  So, here you have it.  I'm actually pretty particular about my handwriting.  It's part OCD to me that there's a level of perfection and little mistakes make me want to start all over!   Eeeek (I had a little snafu)....

I decided that at least through the beginning of December, I am going to do a little big of blogging as well as photo-blogging (is that a thing?!) the December adventures we have~

Stay Tuned!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Late Posts # 25 & 26~ Personalities and Warm Fuzzies

Wow am I behind on blogging!!  I think I missed Wednesday and Thursday and now it's Friday too!

Hoping everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving.  We have celebrated Elise's birthday and Thanksgiving and are enjoying a long weekend close to home.  Today we put up our new tree and letting it 'fall out' before we decorate it.

The upcoming week kicks off a busy couple of weeks before the Holiday again!!

Wednesday I was supposed to write about if I would rather date someone with an amazing personality or someone beautiful with a plain personality--- 

Well, SCORE!  I got great personality and really nice to look at too, all wrapped up in one package!!  I'm a lucky girl! :)

Thursday (Thanksgiving) I was supposed to write about some little things that make me feel warm & fuzzy.  

This one is easy...I get warm and fuzzies when I snuggle with my dogs, especially Cocoa.  She's a big snuggle bunny.  She is a cuddler and has been since day one.  She makes my hear smile ;) 

I also get warm fuzzies when I cook for my family.   I love to cook (not always after a long day at work) but, like yesterday....I cooked a turkey and the fixings for just the three of us.  It warms my heart to do that.... (of course it wasn't until after the parade was over) LOL!

I also get warm fuzzies when I'm out with Todd.  I love our date nights when we go out and hang with friends or even just by ourselves.  We have fun together and that makes me warm & fuzzy :) 

I love my whole entire life, my family, my friends, my pets... all warm and fuzzies :) :) 

Hoping your black Friday was a successful day, be it shopping, chilling, napping, eating left overs or all of the above!!!

Another blog coming for today---but soon :) 

See ya shortly!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 24~Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot

Two more days until the best day of the year!  I love Thanksgiving and the kick off to the Holiday season!!!  I can't wait to curl up and watch THE PARADE and cook and just hang with my family.  Perfection!!!!!!!!

We're on Day 24....I can't believe we're a week away from December and from the end of my 30-day blog challenge!  If I were to continue after this 30 days, what would you guys want to read about?  I need to know so I know if it's something to move forward with or not :)

On Day 24 our topic is "Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot" mind goes a million miles a minute let's see what the first seven things are tonight....

1.  Clock Watching & Car Line-Every since the first day of this school year I have been the pick-up parent.  Because Elise is in magnet school, the bus transportation is sketchy at best.  It's a long trip (yet school is 2 miles from home) and most magnet school transportation seems to center around car line.  Most days, my day is crazy and I have an alarm set on my phone for the time I need to leave to pick her up from school.  I have an intense fear that the alarm won't go off and I'll forget to get her.  It's crazy, but it's true....every day.... yet so far, we're 1/4 of the way (plus) through the school year and she's yet to be left at school wondering where I am.... I worry sometimes for nothing!

2.  Technology enhancements for the Agency in 2016- This is something I think about a LOT!  As the person in the office who tracks where the business comes from and how we get new business I want to make sure we are doing everything we need to be doing and the right amounts of it to meet our goals.  It seems that during the daytime I work IN the business and at night I work ON the business.  I research things that people recommend and think about how those things fit into the agency.  It's a never ending thought!

3.  What to get Todd for ___________ (Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary, etc)- He's the hardest person I know to buy for!  Seems I'm writing this near the Holiday's so maybe that's why it's fresh on my mind.  After Christmas I won't have to think about it for a while but between his birthday in September, our Anniversary in October and then Christmas it's all bang, bang, bang!  Yikes, whatcha want for Christmas honey???

4.  What to have for dinner-Most every single night.  Which is ridiculous.  Ridiculous because I mean it's not like we buy food we don't like, but we can never make a decision as to what to have for dinner.  I don't know, what do you want?  I don't care... ugh.  It's a struggle unless I just make a meal plan every week....guess that would make that thought go away--but then I'd have to think about the meal plan!

5.  I wonder what my dogs think when we talk to them- We have two dogs, Cocoa and Lilly and we talk to them all the time....and I just wonder when they look at us what they are thinking.  I'm pretty sure they think we're nuts, but it's fun to watch their facial expressions when you say or do different things.  A dog's life...sure seems easy.  Maybe Lilly can go sell some insurance tomorrow and I'll nap in the bath tub!

6.  Where to go on our next vacation- I don't know, where do you want to go?  We may as well be eating dinner!  Usually when Elise is gone we try to get away for a couple of days during the Holidays for some R&R.  We've done Key West, Savannah, a Cruise, a staycation with lots of little day trips and now we're discussing what to do this year.  We have no child the week between Christmas & New Years but we need to be back for January 2, for Kristin's wedding (our part timer in the office), so we're looking for Tuesday-Friday and if you have a "Florida" suggestion, we're interested in investigating it further!

7.  How to find more time in my day- If anyone has any insight on this one I need help.  My typical day starts with an alarm at or before 6:00 each morning (weekends not included), a meeting at 7:30 (three days per week) and ends at 11:00 PM when I finally go to bed to catch the headlines before calling it a night.  In between there is work, meetings, client visits, car line, dinner, more work, a bit of tv/computer/family hang out time but it seems like the days fly by.  What's up with that?!?!

There you go, that's seven and I even expounded upon them. That being said, it's time to call it quits for the night.  My goal tomorrow is to be out of the office by 3:00 for the holiday.  I have a 5:00 conference call that I can do from anywhere and it's Elise's actual birthday, so I'm thinking about working from home after lunch (taking her to lunch) so I can just begin my four day weekend!  We'll see how the day plays out and if that will work or not!!

See y'all tomorrow!!


Monday, November 23, 2015

Day 23~ A Blank Canvas ~

It's the Monday of a short work week!!  The upcoming 4 day weekend is nearing us quickly!!

Today we're writing a letter, to anyone about's a blank canvas.  I don't even have a clue, so let's see what happens...

Dear Elise,

I wanted to write my letter to you and it works out well because it's my turn for our journal entry!  We just finished up your "Elise turns 12" birthday party weekend and what a great time!  So many wonderful experiences and memories.  I hope you had a wonderful birthday party!

I can' believe in two more days you will be 12 years old.  I remember that little girl that I met at Red Robin 5 years ago (coming up next week), who could barely finish her bowl of pasta because you were so excited to go see the Wiregrass Christmas lights and meet some new friends.  You were such a little thing, adorable and shy!  Check you out!
From there you have blossomed into an inquisitive pre-teen.  Sometimes still very much a little girl and sometimes so grown up I can't even figure out when that happened.  Every day you experience new things and learn more about this crazy world that we live in.

It's been such an honor to be in your life and to help mold you into the person you are today.  I know sometimes we have our differences, but my truest desire is to help you turn into a loving, kind and wonderful woman (with good manners, and a great wardrobe!) :-)

I look forward to watching over the next years how you'll develop and learn what good decisions you can make all by yourself.  I can't wait to see how you choose your friends, how your future education and career moves fall into place and your future husband and children.  They sure will be lucky people to be in your life.

I love you like you were my very own, and I'm always just a shout away.

Here's to our next five years, and many more 1/2 decades to go!

Love you tons,


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Days 21 & 22 ~ It's another Two for One!

E X H A U S T E D!  That sums up this weekend pretty good!  What a great time we had and there's a ton of photos on Facebook to document it if you want to peruse them (if you haven't already!)

We had a wonderful time with the girls at our Hotel Sleepover Takeover last night with Elise and four of her friends at Art of Animation Resort at Disney.  What a great hotel and a ton of fun they had both at the resort and at our lunch at Whispering Canyon Cafe at Wilderness Lodge.  Everyone came home exhausted!

Yesterday I was supposed to write about turn on's and turn off's but I've already written about things I love and pet peeves so it seems like we really didn't miss anything on this one.

Let's just say that yesterday's post was all about photo-journalism and it's documented on Facebook, but here's a few fun pictures to share in case you can't see my Facebook pics!

We had a blast and we are exhausted.  The experience was fun, although I am a planner and things didn't always go according to my plan.  

We were supposed to have a dance party at 11:30 but the girls were pretty wound up and kind of loud.  In an effort not to get kicked out, we scrubbed the dance party :) 

They decided not to watch the movie last night because a couple of the girls had seen it and they said it was on earth can a Disney film be sad (Well....lemme tell you, we rented it tonight, and yes, yes it was!) :(

All in all it was a fun trip.  Definitely something I would do again but maybe on a smaller budget!

In addition to yesterday's blog, I was supposed to blog tonight a photo of the clothes I wore today---

Well, since we got home and situated, I have been in let's suffice it to say that I'm not posting THAT photo :) 

It's been a long weekend, and with a short, three-day week coming up, I have a lot to accomplish in a little bit of time!  

Y'all have a great night!  Those of you who don't have to get up in the morning, ENJOY!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 20~ Music Makers!

TGIF!  I so look forward to a couple of days of R&R after busy weeks!!

Today our challenge was to write about the concerts I have attended... I have seen a lot but going to focus on the absolute best one!

My first concert was when I was in high school and it was a heavy metal concert that I attended with my at-the-time-boyfriend.  It was horrible!

Those that know me know that I have some pretty good success with winning random things on the radio.... it's my lucky thing.

In 2012 I won the concert experience that has been hard to beat for every other concert we have been to, even hard to beat ones we think about going to and know that it just won't compare.  I have ruined concerts for us forever with my luck this particular day.

In July 2012 on a radio contest, I had to text a word for iHeartRadio.  It was a nationwide contest to go to the Second Annual iHeartRadio Music Festival in Las Vegas.  The word was "Sweet".  About thirty minutes after I texted that word, on a Sunday afternoon, out by the pool, my phone rang and it was a concert promoter telling me that I won.  Todd didn't believe me, told me at some point they were going to ask for our credit card info and I wasn't allowed to give it ;)

A week or two went by, I got an email here and there and next thing I knew they were booking our plane tickets (paid for by the winnings), booking our room at the MGM Grand Hotel, adding us to the Facebook group for the winners so we could meet and greet people before the show, which happened to fall on Todd's 45th birthday weekend.  Birthday weekend in Vegas!

Truly it was amazing and all we paid for was our food, incidentals and anything we specifically wanted to do in Vegas.  Concert tickets, Hotel & Airfare all covered by iHeartRadio Media Group (well, and a 1099 at the end of the year for the value of the winnings)!

The concert line-up was incredible:

Friday night we saw:  Bon Jovi, Green Day (complete with a meltdown on stage), Jason Aldean, Lil Wayne, Megan & Liz (?), Miranda Lambert, No Doubt, PSY (Gagnam Style), Rihanna, Swedish House Mafia, Usher and Gwen Stefani made a special appearance.

Saturday night was:  Aerosmith, Brad Paisley, Calvin Harris, Enrique Iglesias, Linkin Park, Mary J. Blige (who brought Prince as her guest), Pink (who was AMAZING), Pitbull, Taylor Swift and a techno DJ named Deadmau5

It was the absolute best concert experience anyone could ask for.  The set up, the way the concert ran, the people, the artists, the was absolutely amazing!!!

I still try to win again, every.single.year.  No such luck yet, but I haven't given up and I won't!!!

What's the best concert you've ever been to??

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Days 18 & 19...It's a Two for One!

WHERE has the month gone??!  It's the 19th already, and next week is Thanksgiving!  Before we know it 2016 will be here.  WOW!

This week, the last couple of weeks seem to have been a whirlwind of activity.  To say I'm overwhelmed might be an understatement, but I do see light at the end of the tunnel!!  YAY!

Today you get a special two blogs in one post, since I was unable to post yesterday due to another commitment that kept me out past my bedtime :)

So, Wednesday, the 18th we were supposed to "Name the TV show you have become addicted to"...well, I DVR several shows, but the one I watch religiously (on DVR, because I pretty much watch nothing live these days) is Grey's Anatomy.  I do believe I have seen every single episode of this show, at least once.

A quick Wikipedia search also tells me that this show has been on television since 2005, currently in it's 12th season and has 244 episodes .... that's a lot of hours spent on one show!  Doesn't matter, I will continue to watch!  As a matter of fact, there's the Winter Finale on tonight and when I'm done with this blog, guess what I'll be watching (in 43 minutes, thanks to my DVR and no commercials!) WOO HOOO!

I also had some other shows that I loved which are no longer on the air.  I fell in love with Army Wives and the portrayal of being a military spouses living on a base ... yeah, 117 hours committed to that.

Lest we forget Private Practice, a spin off of Grey's Anatomy (Shonda Rhimes is amazing) and yes, another 111 hours of time watching television!

Those are my absolute favorites in the recent years.  Things I wouldn't miss or wouldn't get "old" on the DVR....

Now all of that being said, let's be clear....Webster's defines addiction as "A strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something or an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something.

That's a pretty solid definition, but I'm not sure it really fits my (what I would call) desire to watch Grey's Anatomy.  I mean, when it's over, I don't lose sleep, I don't drink more wine, I don't have withdraws or binge on past seasons or I don't know if 'addiction' is the right word.  That's what the Blog for 30 Day Challenge listed though.   So, technically my blog is incorrect.  It's an enjoyment factor, it's my 'favorite' tv's NOT an addiction.

Now, we're current!!  Today we have been asked to write a list of places I have lived (at)....seems "at" shouldn't be at the end of that phrase, but whatever.....let's see if I can do this.  I've lived at a lot of places in my lifetime!

My life started in Springfield, Massachusetts.  When I was a little tiny thing we moved to the Norfolk, Virginia area and also lived in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  I believe it was third grade when we headed to Florida.  The first place we lived in Florida was Clay County.  I lived in Lake Geneva and in Keystone Heights, Florida while my parents helped my father's aunt with her business, a bar that they ran.

In sixth grade, we moved to Seminole County (just north of Orlando) and this is the area we lived until after I was out of high school.  We lived in Longwood and then after high school moved to Winter Springs.

As an adult, there's been (I think!) even more moves.  I've been to Deltona, then Orange Park/Jacksonville area, then transferred to Tampa.  From Tampa I went NORTH!  North consisted of Snow Hill, Maryland, Wallops Island, Virginia, Pocomoke City, Maryland for a while, then on to Hamden, Connecticut and Middletown, Connecticut before a job transferred me back "HOME" and that job brought me to Jacksonville/Orange Park area (again) and ended for me after I made it back to the Tampa area.  I moved back to Tampa in 2007 and lived in Land O Lakes, then Lutz before I bought my home in Wesley Chapel.  We now make Riverview, Florida our home... Shew, I'm tired!

Moving sucks, and as you see I've had LOTS of practice over the years.  Being a former Navy wife, a lot of those moves were easy and there were a couple of corporate moves in there too with State Farm and Infinity.  The ones that were not done with big moving companies who came in and packed and moved stuff, well, those were worse as you can imagine, but we absolutely survived!

 I'd like to say I'm done, but I know we have at least one more move in us!  What about you?  Is your family done moving or do you have 'at least' one more move left to go?

See y'all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!  TGIF (almost!)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 17 ~ In My Second Lifetime ~ When I'm Grown Up ~

Happy Tuesday-I'm exhausted!  Today was the kick off for our new BNI chapter and lots of work. Health Insurance is in full swing and I had a lot of Workers Comp calls today as well.  Busy is good, but I'm going to bed early tonight!

So we're at Day 17---where has the month gone?

Today I'm supposed to write about what I want to be when I get older.  Well, I am....Older.  I'm older than I was yesterday, older than I was when I did most of my stupid stuff (pre-internet, thankfully)!

If I had to pick now what I want to be when I'm am older, I think I want to be independently wealthy and retired!  I'm not sure that's an option at almost 47 and nowhere near independently wealthy (or retired!).  The only independent thing I am is an insurance agent!  LOL!

But, what if I wasn't older yet... hard to say, because, well, I am...but if I were writing to you at 20 vs. 46 it might be different.  That being said it would also be different if I were writing to you at 20, twenty six years ago vs. being twenty now.

So much has changed in our world since the 1980' would definitely be different.  If I were twenty-something year ago me at age 20 I would probably want to be right where I am (minus that whole independently wealthy thing)....I love what I do and how I do it and I'm not sure that would ever be any different.

If I were twenty now....I may well still do the same thing and want the same thing.  However, with the fact that technology is so huge in our world, I'd hope to have enough knowledge to develop some sort of life-changing piece of technology and have sold it to Google!  Then I could be independently wealthy and retired!

What would I do though if I were retired?  I feel like I would be bored.  I could Facebook but even that gets old sometimes (Say it isn't so!)

I could volunteer more, although as much as I volunteer now, that could be like a full-time job and I don't want that if I'm retired!  I could travel (because Google would have made me wealthy!) and I would love that!  There's so many places I want to go!  I could be all over some traveling, but we also have a child in school, so that makes full time travel pretty complicated.  I'm sure NOT home-schooling her!  #ihatemath

Definitely something I don't have to worry about.  I'm pretty set in my work forever, build up this business and either have Elise take it over some day or sell it and actually retire.  Maybe, just maybe, we could 'summer' in Wisconsin :)

See y'all tomorrow!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Day 16~The End of the World As I Know It~

Happy Monday---I come to you with a skinned knee, a bit lip, ripped jeans and a twisted ankle...only I can step on a rock (think a small landscape rock, not a boulder, not a pebble, simply a stupid rock), make said rock roll a bit under my shoe and end up face down in my driveway---totally stone cold sober.  I need a glass of wine now!

That's how my afternoon was, I picked up Elise from school, and going back out to the car to go back to the office had a little blunder.... jeesh!  #rockandroll #clutz

Anyway-today we are blogging about If the world were to end tomorrow, what would I do with my remaining time on earth....

As I saw my life flash before my eyes as I was going face first into my driveway I thought I would give anything to get up before a neighbor sees me sprawled out in the driveway.  I thought I was close to the end of my life!  That being said, that's not how I would have wanted to spend it.

Questions like this are tough for me.  I mean, tomorrow doesn't give me much time since it's um...8:20 PM and I assume wishing for more time isn't going to be a productive waste of the time I have since we're limited on time, I'd probably spend as much possible time as I could with my family.

I guess I wouldn't care about making sure Todd could access my checking account or knew where my life insurance policies were, since the world is ending there's no need for all that time wasting.  I would eat at the most expensive restaurant in town (since we've got no time to travel!)  I'd have the best glass of wine I could find and I'd splurge on amazing desserts and cheese :) I love cheese.  I'd miss cheese.  Maybe that should have been my food I could eat forever...anyway, I could ...if the world were ending tomorrow.

It's interesting to me that this post was after all of the tragedy that happened in Paris this weekend.  I am NOT political and I'm not turning this political, but those people who were killed certainly had no idea that morning that they were living their last day on earth.  It really makes you think about each thing that you do.  I'm pretty sure Hallmark didn't make a card for this!

I certainly don't want to go through life with a doom and gloom attitude of what if this is the last blog post I write (it' not my plan) or the last time I log into Facebook (the horror!)

I know far too many people who have lived their last day and due to some sort of tragic accident, they didn't know that was the case.  I suppose that's why "they" say, live each day to your fullest.  Sometimes life gets in the way of living life.  That makes sense in my head...hopefully it does in your head too!

If I knew it were my last day on earth, I'd skip work.  I'd want to hang with those that mean the most to me, I'd want to watch one last Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (there's a tradition, I will write about it when it's time...the 26th you'll hear more about that....anyway, I'd snuggle with my Puggle and I'd just BE ME.  I'd miss my friends, I'd miss my family it's something I'm not ready to think about....and so that's that.  I'm done with that topic.

I sure hope it's not the end of our world.  It's a crazy world we live in today-but let's hope we all have a long time left in it!

Until tomorrow....assumingly~


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Day 15~Saturday Skip Day~Sunday Family Day!

I did it...broke the 30 day blogging challenge by not posting yesterday and not blogging about the topic.

Just so y'all know, the topic was to list 5 Celebrity Crushes....and quite honestly I don't have them.

So I skipped!  I hope you're okay with it, because I am! :)

Let's get on with Sunday!  This one might be short, because it shouldn't come as a big surprise!

Today I'm supposed to post about "Someone I fancy at the moment"....didn't take long to come up with this .... I FANCY THIS FAMILY!  I love being this little family....Todd, Elise, Cocoa and Lilly and is perfect and here's some of my favorite pictures of US!

This is who I fancy, most ever day!  We have a lot of fun together and we're getting ready for a lot of fun coming up.  This upcoming weekend is Elise's birthday party but we have fun with most everything we do.

If you ask my parents, we're always going somewhere and doing something and usually it's fun stuff.  We've had some great experiences along our 5 year ride so far, and I can't wait to see where this life takes us!  Just a handful of the things we've done in five years....

I met Elise 5 years ago at Watergrass Mall Christmas Light Extravaganza, and we try to do that every year although since we've moved, it has been less and less :(  We attend the St. Pete Grand Prix every year, we have had several trips to Daytona and Orlando for conferences.

Todd and I have had some great trips, Las Vegas, a cruise, Key West, Savannah, a stay-cation where we went sailing and day trips to all over the bay area. We've all been on a cruise together (happy honeymoon to us).  We visit local attractions, have taken a driving vacation to Wisconsin, through Atlanta, Nashville & Chicago.  We rented a house on a lake in WI for a week.... we love to venture to new places and I can't wait to see what's next for us!  Seems to never be a dull moment.  I love it!

Who do you fancy?  Show us a picture!

See y'all tomorrow!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 13~Friday the 13th~Disclosure Day!

Happy Happy Friday (Still!)

We're on Day 13 and it's Friday--yep Friday the 13th....just another day on the calendar.  Today my post is kinda fun...and could go so many different directions but .... it won't :)

Confession Day!  Three confessions of my choice!  Since they are my choice they can't be all that bad, right?!?  Let's see where this one goes.... I have no script just kinda winging it!

Let's go backwards, maybe it will be more dramatic...haha, maybe not!

Confession # 3...I love being an only child ;) I already talked about my family in the first week and how we're amazing and we have no drama, all that fun stuff.  I don't think I mentioned that I'm one of several grandchildren to my grandparents.  My mother has two brothers and my father had two sisters, all who had multiple children.  (Dad's side:  6 plus me, Mom's side: 6 including me) so I have lots of cousins and lots of extended cousins, but I am the ONLY child and I loved it.  I never had to fight with anyone for attention although, it was always "my fault" when something went wrong too!  LOL  .... I don't think I was 'spoiled' much but truly shown the value of the things I wanted and received.  My parents worked hard to provide for me and I hope I never took that for granted, but I was a kid, so I'm sure I did at some point! Hopefully they forgave me!!

Confession # 2...since just after high school I have struggled with my weight and I freaking hate it.  It's up, it's down and I know, I know.  I have excuse after excuse and it's a struggle I fight each and every day...hence the past blog I've discussed on Facebook comments.  I guess it's something I'll struggle with continually, at this age.  I'm not giving up, but I really wish my metabolism was different.

Confession # 1...I had resigned myself to not being a mom.  Yep, I have Elise here, 90% of the time, now.  Before she came along I had a very rocky 'reproductive road' with a few miscarriages, a surgery to have my tubes tied (at 29-dumbest thing I ever did), a surgery to have that undone only to lead to another miscarriage that solidified my decision to not be a mom.

I guess they (who are THEY??) really mean 'never say never'.  One day when you least expect it, the guy that's perfect for you (neither of us are perfect, but we're really good together!) comes stumbling into your life (not literally) and wham, he has a, deal-breaker or No?  Let's see how this goes....months later you meet the child, and things just work.  Don't get me wrong, it was NOT always wonderful, it's still not always wonderful, we're different people and Todd & I have different parenting styles but I wouldn't change this experience for the world.  Elise and Todd complete my life in a way I had assumed just wouldn't be.  I'm not sure if they know what that means to me, but I think they'll figure it out some day --- they definitely weren't a deal-breaker   :)

Those aren't very exciting confessions....and the people who know me the best know there's so many more confessions I could have shared, but  the fun of this is it's all my choice!

I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.  We're unfortunately watching the news about the attacks in Paris, and this is absolutely awful.  Hug your family tight, it's a crazy world we live in today.

See y'all tomorrow sometime!!


Day 12 ~ A day late and a little OCD!

Happy Friday!!!  So let me explain!

Last night I went out after work to attend a party a friend was having and by the time I got home it was just too late to even thing about blogging!  Sadly enough, I didn't even look at the topic or I could have blogged and made it a short post!

OCD?!?  Well, last night's topic was to screenshot my desktop....haha!  I'm using a computer/tablet type device I've had for less than two weeks, but it looks oddly like my laptop for work as far as the desktop is concerned.  I cannot stand things on my desktop that don't need to be there.  Everything is neat and orderly and in its given spot.... kinda like my house used to be!

So, a shot of my desktop:

It's really very exciting... the background is a sunflower, and honestly, I'm not sure why my brand new Surface Pro 4 says Toshiba...I just noticed that.  Maybe my IT guy will pipe in and tell us.  I just noticed that as I was adding this picture.  Maybe because all my accounts are synced  ... I dunno!

Anyway--clean, organized, no unneeded stuff hogging up that pretty picture :)  That's how I like my desktop!  How about you guys?

On to the next blog :)


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 11~ Never Ever Give Up...and Build a Door!

Happy Wednesday!!  It's been a crafty night here as I try to do some of the prep for Elise's upcoming birthday party.

Tonight's post is "What is Your Favorite Quote"  .... I enjoy reading quotes on profile pages and through Pinterest I have a quote board, but there are two that always come back to me...

The first one is by Winston Churchill, 'Never Ever Give Up' and the second by Milton Berle "If Opportunity Doesn't Knock, Build a Door"...

These two quotes suit me pretty well.  Year over year nothing really came easily to me.  I struggled with school (partially why I hate Elise's homework) and struggled in relationships, but I never gave up and when I wanted something I had to build a door to get it.

Nothing in my life has ever been handed to me.  I learned work ethic at a very early age and I learned (somehow) to fight for what I want, and I do...I work HARD to build our business into something successful, because I've been on the not-so-successful side of a business and it was even harder work!  I do what it takes, failure isn't an option and I refuse to give up!

Rarely will I take "NO" for an answer on something I have set my sights on obtaining.  It seems to me that when I do give up on something it was something I just didn't care enough about to keep up the fight...mostly on trivial things.

In my business I have a choice every day to either DO it or give up....there are days when I want to give up.  Days when the struggle with a client is too much or the determination to find the perfect package for the client who needs something but I can't get it is frustrating...and there's just simply days where everything is an issue.  We all have those days.  Days where we'd much rather be on the beach, sipping on a Mojito and dreaming of winning Powerball....but life is life and not many people get to win Powerball!

To me these quotes exemplify my life, I need to remember never to give up and I have certainly built doors when I thought opportunity should have been knocking and it wasn't .... sometimes you have to pave the road yourself, and that's exactly what I have been doing for years.

My family and friends who have known me a long time will tell you that no matter what happens, I always land on my feet.  Through failed relationships, bad jobs, worse bosses, business deals gone bad, I always come out on top!  The next thing is usually the better thing anyway and sometimes I just needed to push my way through to get there.  That being said, I landed on my feet, and now it's time to rise!

My family life is wonderful, my business life is wonderful....I have the best friends anyone could ask for and it's nowhere but up from here!  (Sounds like another quote!) :)

Since I don't play Powerball, there's not a chance for me to win, but I'll keep reaching and I might drink a Mojito or two along the way--but I won't give up!!!

See y'all tomorrow~


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 10~ Yummy Yummy in My Tummy....forever

Happy Tuesday!  Tomorrow is a holiday for many people as we celebrate Veterans Day.  I am blessed to have so many family and friends who have in the past or currently do serve our Country and I thank them every day for our freedoms.  Tomorrow we celebrate them!

Tomorrow I have the opportunity to attend an event with one of the companies I represent.  They are giving away four automobiles to 4 deserving Veterans in need of transportation.  In addition to the vehicles, the employees of this company hold fundraisers and pitch in to purchase the first year of insurance for these people who sacrificed so much and need our help.  I am honored to attend this event again this year.  It is well worth closing our office and attending!

Let's move on to the blog topic of the day---'If you could live off of one food and one beverage for the rest of your days, what would they be?"  I really struggled with this but let's see what we can come up with....

Let's get the drink out of the way first.  I know you all think it's wine, but it's not.  The only wine I like for breakfast is Champagne or Prosecco so that's kinda out.  I think the drink would be tea.  It could be hot for breakfast, it could be iced, maybe it could be flavored, not sure if flavoring would exist in this crazy, no options end of the world thinking!  Tea is all around good anytime (in my opinion) and that's why it's my choice.  Not sugary sweet tea, just plain, tea...

As for the food, this one was tough.  I read the list a couple days ago and have been thinking and thinking about what it would be.  I considered sushi, I love sushi, but I'm not sure that breakfast sushi would appeal to me.  I have made Elise 'dessert sushi' before (see Pinterest-or maybe I'll post it here, it's cute --and yummy).... but I'm not sure breakfast sushi would work for me.....Click this link: Dessert Sushi Recipe for the info on the dessert sushi...think Rice Krispie Treats, Swedish Fish and Fruit Roll Ups!

I also considered Pasta....I could eat cold spaghetti (right mom?) or pasta salad or spaghetti and meatballs or whatever....but I think I might get sick of that, and it'd definitely not be good for the size of my rear end to eat pasta every day.... so I think I finally decided .... and while it will disgust my friend Jennifer, we agree to disagree on this food.

It's eggs... I could eat eggs so many different ways and for breakfast it works, for dinner it works, for lunch, it even works--egg salad!  Right here  50 Egg Ideas! in case you want to eat nothing but eggs!  I'm kidding, I don't suggest that.

Thankfully we have the Veterans we talked about a minute ago, protecting our freedoms and making it so that we don't have to have one choice in life about what we are going to eat or what we are going to drink....YAY for wine AND tea and sushi and pasta and eggs, and veggies and ya know CHOICES!

Do me a favor as you go through your day tomorrow, thank a Veteran, do something nice for one, buy them a cup of coffee (buy a Starbucks, the cup is red, I love it!)  HAH!  Couldn't resist!  But most importantly give thanks to those who fight for your ability to make a choice to live where you are free to do so!

Have a fabulous day!  See y'all tomorrow!  

PS--we're 1/3 of the way done!  Thanks for sticking around and reading .... this has been fun! :)


Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 9~Pets and Peeves....Because they go together!

Happy Happy Monday!  It's "Day 9" and we're still right on track!  I kinda hate that today is Monday and the blog topic for the 9th is Pet Peeves, seems like a complainer blog and on a Monday!  That's no fun!

Oh well, off we go!

First and foremost, since it's 'news-worthy' today, It bugs me when people have to stretch to make a new story--When this is a top story-it's a slow news day, which might not be a bad thing!

I mean, really....does anyone care what color their cup is that they drink from?   I heard once that people who drink out of red cups and off of red plates eat & drink 25% more (I heard this from someone who works in Memory Care about how they get their patients to eat more) maybe, just maybe this has nothing to do with religion but all to do with Starbucks wanting to sell more red cups or larger red cups or more Venti Latte's.... it might just be a way for Starbucks to make more money.  Quite honestly I don't care what color my cup is... after my coffee it's going in the recycle bin, so why does it matter for an hour of my life???  Ok, one down!   #mountainsandmolehills

Secondly, and this might be silly, but it's my list...I cannot stand people who drive with their pets in their lap.  People say to me that using your phone in the car is distracting (and we know that me listening to podcasts is distracting) but for real?  People, you have an animal in your lap while you are trying to maneuver a vehicle, that's just stupid stuff.  What if....I could have a running list of what if's but I feel like y'all know what those would be...I mean I sell insurance for goodness sakes!

Lastly, because it only asked for three and I could maybe go on all night....unscrupulous people.  All day long I deal with people who want something for nothing or some who want the rules bent for them to have a better deal.  Maybe it's scamming the 'system' or maybe it 'won't hurt anyone' but my ethics and my agency and my family mean more to me than your changed coverage or backdated policy.  I won't do it for them, I'm not doing it for you...don't ask.  Things that put my license and my business, my livelihood and my family on the line people think are just a little 'help' to them.  "What if I add the coverage and call tomorrow?"... Me:  What if I call the Department of Insurance and let them prosecute you?  Awesome, call tomorrow and we'll get you all taken care of!  #dudereally

Did you guys know that there's a website that lists people's Pet Peeves?  It's kinda funny!  Check it out here, if you've got time to kill, since you made it to the end of my post!

Leave a comment and tell me what your biggest Pet Peeve is, or better yet, join the 30-day Blogging Challenge!

See y'all tomorrow, for something yummy!


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 8~ To You, To You and To You---and a little more

Three things I want to say to different people..... wow....this is a topic I could really take a lot of different ways....but I think gratitude is the direction we will start with, let's see what happens when I start to write.

To the parents of my husband:  Thank you.  Thank you for raising your son to be wonderful man, a wonderful father and the perfect match for me.  Sometimes he's stubborn, sometimes he's silly, he's incredibly kind and always finds something good in everyone.  I'm certain it wasn't easy to raise him and his brother (I cannot imagine them as kids and their antics!) but you both did a wonderful job in raising them into fantastic men.

To my parents:  Thank you for always being by my side, whether you agreed with my decisions or not and for not really ever saying (out-loud)  'I told you so' (although I can think of a couple times I wish you would have!).  Thank you for reminding me when I get frustrated about Elise that I was the exact same way--um, that might have been a sarcastic thank you, but it does put things into perspective :)  Thank you, for always encouraging me to follow my dreams, this most current one of owning our own business has been spectacular and without your support I would have been afraid to do it!  I'm so glad we did!

To my husband:  You're crazy for marrying me, but I'm so glad you did.  You bring love and a smiles to my life each and every day in some way, shape or form.  Thank you for putting up with me and my crazy life.  Thank you for your support to my dedication to growing our business.  I mean, I know you support it so you can retire, I'm trying, I'm trying.  Thanks for bringing Elise into my life.  It may not always show (because, see above, apparently we're a lot alike!) but she is such a blessing to our life and I have so much enjoyed watching her grow into her own person.  Thank you for being the patient one, Lord knows that's not me and for making me see the other side of things whether I want to or not :)

Now that was my post for today but truth be told, I typed most of it last that I've gone through today and attended a Bucs game with my family there's a couple more things I'd like to say...

To the Giants fans that sat near us....REALLY?  It's perfectly FINE to be a fan and to cheer for your team and to scream at them when they do stupid stuff (Lord knows I scream at the Bucs a LOT) but the lack of class and dignity you showed to other fans, in front of my child and her friend, well, frankly you're an asshole.  There was no reason for the taunting, the language, the gestures or the threats to fight people.  I watched two of you through a good portion of the game and thought that I hoped you didn't have kids somewhere watching you act like this just because people are passionate about football.  To the Bucs fans, thank you for remembering it's a game.  I understood when enough was enough and I'm glad TPD was there quickly to make sure nothing escalated.  Crazy and happens at every game, but we don't usually have kids with us.  To the five year old kid a couple rows ahead of us, you keep being a fan, win or lose, you stick by your team, no matter how much it hurts (trust me, I feel your pain!) :) :)

And finally, to the management of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.... When Malcolm Glazier bought this team years ago it was a winning team...what the heck happened?  I hated losing Tony Dungy but John Gruden did us well for a few year, since then it's been a downward's time for a change, where is it going to be?

AH, well, maybe I should have started my blog today, like I was supposed to....then this would have all been about football....but you got the gratitude and the frustrations of my day!  ENJOY!

This girl has to get ready for another busy ... until tomorrow....remember to Keep Believing, even when you're the underdog (again and again)! :)


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 7~Writing about Reading!

Hello and Happy Saturday!!  We had a fun day today with Elise bowling this morning and spending the afternoon at TopGolf Tampa where we met her friend's family so we could pick up Cynthia for a sleep-over.  The girls are watching a movie, Todd seems to be watching the movie and here I am!

The topic of the day today is "Do You Read?  What are your favorite books?"

Let's start this out by saying, I read a LOT less since the beginning of social media. Seems like before I updated, pinned, tagged, tweeted, I READ!  I should read more....sometimes my books expire before I finish them.  Expire?!  What?!  Let me explain.

Yes, I read, and I read books from the library on my Kindle.  I can't tell you the last time I read a real paper book...and for the most part, I don't buy books.  I get them from the library, just virtually.  So much different from years ago.  The last books I purchased (that weren't for Elise) was the 50 Shades series, because the library didn't carry it!

I have a few links to some great fiction read lists, mostly romance/beachy reads because it's my downtime thing to do.  I do read business books, but I tend to read more articles and magazines on business than I do 'books'.

One Christmas, Todd gave me a three-month subscription to Audible.  I listened to a couple of books, but that's not something I can typically focus on.  I did listen to the Steve Jobs book through Audible and it was excellent, but I'm not a 'talk-radio' type person and that's what Audible reminded me of.  I just started listening to a few podcasts and I told Todd just the other day, I can listen to those and drive.  I completely remember the podcast but not my drive to the office!  I'm sure glad it's only 3.6 miles!!

Back to reading, at the beginning of summer I found a link to the "Best 2015 Summer Books" and searched OneDrive (my online platform) for all of them, and reserved all of them that I could find.  I typically find an author I like and then read everything I can find on that (ie: Danielle Steel) but they always tend to have the same sort of 'story'.... This list was a nice mix of books that I likely wouldn't have picked.  I also use GoodReads but not to its fullest potential.  Sometimes we'll be in a bookstore and I'll just snap a picture of the New Release table and see what I can find at the library as well.

I just looked on my library account, I have three books on hold, none of them are close to being my turn...sometimes the library thing takes patience, but my reading time is scattered so it makes it okay :)  When I get into a book, I don't want to put my Kindle down though!  Speaking of Kindle, I made a mistake a couple weeks ago and downloaded a book for Nook, not Kindle....EEEK!  I used Elise's Nook and what a difference.  I am so used to my Kindle and I had a really hard time reading her Nook.  I guess it's likely what you become used to, but I'm a Kindle girl, like some people are 'Android' and some are 'Apple'....I'm Kindle (and Android) ;)

Are you interested in finding something new to read?  Here's that link to the summer read list.  I know it's fall, but it's 90* in Florida! The Book List!  There's 26 books on this list.  I read several of them so far and they were all pretty good!  Check it out!

Tomorrow is Sunday and it's typically our day to get ready for the next week, but we are heading to the Bucs game!  I'm thinking of starting my blog for tomorrow, tonight, so I can get a jump start.  It's an interesting topic!

Have a wonderful Saturday night!


Friday, November 6, 2015

Day 6~Music Makers

WOO HOO!  We made it to Friday!  TGIF!  Hope you all had a wonderful day!  I was  busy, it's been a great month so far, and it's just getting started!

Today's post is supposed to be about "What Band or Music is Important to Me?"

This was tough for me because music is not a huge center point in my life.  I don't have family member that are in bands or musicians (or I'd have to pick them!)

Don't get me wrong, I love music.  I typically listen to music all day at my office, it's background music.  Typically current 'Pop' music or Country.  It just kinda depends on my mood.  I can't really say that I have a favorite song or a favorite artist.  I like a mix of music.  I like 80's (it's when I grew up!) and Christmas music, but only during December! :)

Personally, musically, I'm not talented.  I'm not a good singer, but I sing anyway, and I never learned how to play an instrument.  Although, I learned today that Elise's first choice for her 2nd half of the year electives is Orchestra and she wants to play the Viola.

I know a lot of people who put a big emphasis on music in their lives.  I've known people who are musicians, band members, people who can quote song lyrics to go along with their daily life circumstances, that's just not me.

I guess that makes this blog post pretty short because there's not much left to say on it.  I'm not the first person in line to buy concert tickets (I was spoiled with the best concert ever) ...but concerts are another topic so we'll save those for that day!

On this end of the work-week, enjoy a short post and have a wonderful weekend!!


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 5~Packing A Suitcase

Happy Thursday!  This might be a quick/short blog but we're still determined to blog every day this month!!

Pack a suitcase?!  Today our topic is 5 Places You Want To Visit....This should be fun!  Some of these places I have been to and some I have not but really want to go there!

Place number 1--- Wine Country---big surprise, right?!?  I have never been to northern California and I would absolutely LOVE to take a vacation there.  There's something about being near all of those wineries that speaks to my inner me!  I have been to southern California (San Diego and Los Angeles) but never north of there!  Let's go!!

Number 2 on the I've never been is my bucket list trip---Paris!  I've been as close as the Paris Hotel & Casino in Vegas (kidding!  I was in France one time, but not Paris) :)  It's beautiful and I just love the European culture that I assume is there and in other parts of Europe.  I have been to a few places in Europe on a wonderful experience of a European cruise in 2004.  We went to Barcelona, Marseilles, Nice, Monaco, Florence, Rome & was amazing!  I loved Barcelona!

Number 3 on the list I've been to but it's been a few years and there's just a pull to go visit and soak in the place I used to call home.  I want to visit the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  That's funny to me though because when I first moved there I thought it to be the armpit of the world.  Small town, lots and lots of locals and this 'city girl' didn't really fit in, but it's truly a beautiful place with some of my very best friends in the world calling that spot home.  I've sine learned that Jersey is the true armpit :)

Number 4 is a place but yet an experience.  I have been to (and LOVE) New York City (one extreme to the other right there) and I'd go back any day in a heartbeat.  The vibe in that city and the atmosphere I truly love!  However, what I REALLY want to do is go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade (and to the balloon blowing up event the night before)'s something I have wanted to do for YEARS!  One day soon, I'm going!!!  The problem with this is that Todd has no desire to go to New York!  I'll have to work on that!

Number 5 is a never been and that's to Cape Cod-Nantucket-Martha's Vineyard (ok, I guess that's two places, but's my writing!) :)  I have read a ton of books that are centered around being on the islands and I can 'see' it when I read.  I'd love to go there.  Clam bakes on the beach, relaxation, sounds great--but let's be clear...I only want to go in the summer.

That was five (if you count # 5 as one, and I did!) and there's more!  I'd love to spend another two weeks in the cabin at the lakehouse we had over the summer.  I'd love to cruise, to anywhere!  I'd love to take Todd to New Orleans.  I'm all about jumping in the car, on a boat, on a plane and going...if only work, children, pets and money were no object!

Where would YOU go?  Leave a comment and tell me one places that you want to go or that you went that was amazing and I should consider!!!

Guess what?!  We made it!  Friday will be here in an hour!  WHOOP WHOOP!   I just peeked ahead at tomorrow's, that's going to be a tough one.  We'll have to see what happens when my fingers hit the keyboard!  Night Night, Sleep Tight!


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 4-Tumble, Pin, Post, Tag, Share, Tweet

Happy Hump Day!  We've made it to the mid-point of the week and the weekend is on the horizon!

Today in Florida (Tampa area specifically) we broke a heat record, yes, in November it was 92*...even I am ready for some cooler weather!  I know our electric bill is!  I have a feeling we're going to end up going from AC right to Heat!

Anyway-today's topic is supposed to be 'The Meaning Behind Your Tumblr Name'....let's just get this out of the way--I'm not blogging about Tumblr, because, I don't know exactly what it is.  Yes, I know I could Google it, but it's my blog and I didn't :)

I would like to discuss though....what happened to vowels?  Why is Tumblr called Tumblr and not Tumbler...why do gamers spell "own" as pwn....why do we now thk people and txt people (um, ppl)?  As someone who finds annoyance in spelling errors, this drives me absolutely crazy.  I honestly don't get it.  If you do, please tell me!  I'm not really losing sleep over this, but I do kinda wonder, what happened to spelling? 

That was a bit of a side note to actually discussing something related to the actual topic (which I have learned is a micro-blogger site....smaller blogs, probably the 'e' on my keyboard doesn't work, so there are less letters?  I don't know!

Anyway, we digressed a bit~ since Tumblr (can I tell you how many times I've spelled that with an "E"!) is somewhat social media, I thought I'd write about that.  During Likes/Dislikes one of the things that came up under likes was Social Media and I mentioned that I'd talk more about that later...well, it's later!

Social Media is a hobby for me.  I absolutely love being on Social Media.  It helps me keep up with people near and far, people I see regularly and people I never see anymore.  Heck, some people I have NEVER seen but we know each other through social media.  It's a connection to a larger world of people and I love people!  (Mom, it's only the girls in the family) LOL

My first experience with social media was AOL and I met a very good friend who I am still friends with today on AOL!  Hi Leah! :) She lives in Mississippi and we've met in person one time but we have been friends since the early 1990's.  We always pick up right where we left off when we chat, albeit more infrequently as life has gotten in our way!
My best social media experience would have to be that is how I met Todd.  That was Myspace.  I'm not really sure what happened to Myspace, it seems to have gone by the wayside and taken over by Facebook, which, in my opinion is the ultimate social media experience. 

Yes, I have Facebook (as y'all know!) for personal use, for the business, and I have Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn but there's only ONE of those sites I check on a .... hmmm, daily doesn't seem to do Facebook justice.  I, hourly!?  Let me explain!

I do love Facebook for all of those reasons I mentioned before, however, I also get a TON of business leads on Facebook.  The neighborhood, local, community pages on Facebook are invaluable to my business.  My clients, my friends, people who know me from the community will throw my name and information out there anytime someone has a need for an updated insurance quote, and some of those communities live and breathe by what their neighborhood pages say!  I probably get 3 leads a DAY from people throwing our information out on Facebook!  It's AMAZING and it's FREE! 

Social media is a component of my daily life and some people think that's crazy but it feeds my family and I have made some amazing connections in the groups I am a part of.  It's the place I go to share fun times, annoying times (frogs!), good news, sometimes bad news, photos of my family and friends and pets and a place where I can be ME, the good, the bad....all of it.

So while I don't tumbl I can't really tell you what my Tumblr name means, but I have shared with you why Facebook and Social Media are important to me.

There you have it!  Until tomorrow when we move on to topic # 5...which might be late, because I have after work plans, but it will be here!  Here's a hint, we're traveling :)

Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day 3~My Day In "Great" Detail!

It's day 3....still going strong!  Today I'm supposed to write about my day in great detail.  I wish it was more exciting for me to share!!

This morning for some reason my alarm didn't go off, but Todd's did....6 AM the start to the day.  On Tuesday's I have BNI, a referral group I have recently started.  What a great amount of excitement and energy in that group that meets each week from 7:30 to 9:00 AM.  I had two cups of coffee, is that detail enough?!

After the general meeting, I had a quick meeting with the leader of our group and off to the office, where I was solo today.  Kristin works two days a week and boy will I keep her busy the days she's there this week.  It's been crazy busy, all good, but hard to keep up with everything when I'm by myself.

Today was one of those days where every time I was on the phone, two other people called and I played catch up on voicemail all day long.  I get a 'break' in the late part of the day, where I leave the office and head to school to pick up Elise, then bring her either home or back to the office depending on everything else that's going on.  I can't begin to tell you how many times the phone rang, but I did have two appointments, sold 2 policies (so far today) and got a couple of quote requests and gave a couple of referral to my contact who writes Medicare Supplement policies.

Today I headed back to the office for more catch up work then off to a dinner meeting with two friends/colleagues and I have just gotten home, spent a few minutes with the family and now blogging before I finish up a couple of things that need to get done today....

Tomorrow starts all over again!

Happy Tuesday-I'm a tired girl!  See y'all tomorrow for something more exciting I hope! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 2~ Likes & Dislikes

Happy Monday!  It's day 2 of the blog challenge, and while I should be quoting and working, I am taking some "me" time and writing~er, typing :)

For today's topic I'm supposed to post 10 likes and dislikes.  I'm not sure if that's a total of 10, 10 each or what, so I'm going to wing it!  There might be more than 10 there might be less, but hopefully the blogger police aren't paying attention!

Let's get the dislikes out of the way so we end on positives!

1.  Math--As I wrote yesterday, I am the step-parent to a 6th grader.  She lives with us, which means during the week, we've got 'homework' obligations.  I don't really remember liking math as a kid, and since the only math I do on a regular basis can be done on a calculator I really don't have a need for algebra, I don't care where "X" is usually.  If it's money-time-addition-subtraction-division-multiplication, I'm good....I don't care about pi (or pie, it's not my favorite) or ratios (I'm not planning to go to Vegas to bet on the odds).... so there.  I dislike math...but I love the app, PhotoMath (because with a picture, you can get your answer.  No, Elise you cannot download PhotoMath on YOUR phone! :)

2.  Beets--I'm not sure what purpose these serve, I'm not sure they are even worth writing about.  So enough on that.  I don't like beets and because I'm an adult and I do the meal planning, I don't have to have them.

3.  Fake people--That's a blog in itself, but suffice it to say enough said on this topic for this writing!

4.  That I don't understand online gaming-Yes, you read that right.  I dislike that I don't understand or that I don't care to understand online gaming.  The rest of my household thrives on online gaming, be it Minecraft, Eve Online, AnimalJam or whatever.  I just don't get it.  I guess that's okay!

5.  Gin--Todd's drink of choice that I believe tastes like Christmas trees, although I've never really eaten a Christmas tree.  I prefer vodka, or wine, mostly wine.

6.  Politics--Tis the season...I hate all of them, good, bad, indifferent, I'm not a fan.  The end.

7.  Sci-Fi Movies--Maybe it goes along with the online gaming thing, I don't know.  It's the worst movie genre I could imagine having to sit through.  You don't have to agree, but I'm not into aliens and the like.  I hated that Will Smith movie where NYC was deserted...I don't even know the name of it.

So there's 7....because there's not 3 more things I could think of that would be suitable to write about! Let's move on to the positives!!!

Now for the fun stuff~It was hard to keep this list to 10! :)

1.  My family--I love my family, and I'm sure everyone does (they're great, just ask them) but I mean really, my family (all of you!) is that family who just gets along.  I'm thankful we don't have family drama and everyone talks to each other and even though we have different opinions we admire and respect those opinions and through it all, our family always is together.  That being said, it's the same exact way with Todd's family and I love that!!!

2.  My friends--They are the best ones ever!  Some of them are probably your friends too, so you already know they rock!  My truest friends would drop everything and come if I ever needed them and there's nothing better than knowing they are there for the ups and the downs and all of life's in betweens...and my friends bring wine when they know it's needed!

3.  Wine--Speaking of wine!  I love wine.  I mostly prefer white over red, but it depends on what I might be eating as well.  Although I'm an equal opportunity drinker (I can and do drink beer, vodka, wine, I can find something everywhere!) I prefer wine.  It's crisp, clean and tasty.  It's not something that was really in our home as I grew up, my parents aren't wine drinkers (see those differing opinions up there under #1) :) I started to enjoy wine about 15 years ago, it was my friend Kathi's fault :) A New Years Eve party at the 'turn of the century'....Kathi, look what you started!

4.  Dogs--I cannot even begin to count the number of dogs I've had in my life.  They are the absolute best pets ever and Cocoa (the puggle) is the easiest going dog I have ever had.  Currently we have Cocoa and Lilly--if you follow me on Facebook, Lilly is the bathtub dog.  She has some sort of weird obsession with the bathtub in our new home.  It's crazy deep and while I don't care she gets in the tub, I'm a tad bit concerned about a potential broken something on her that ends up in outrageous vet bills and 'recovery time' that we just don't have time Lilly-stay outta the damn tub!

5.  Social Media--I know I'm going to write more about that later, so let's say it's a like...It's my way of staying connected with people because life just gets in the way sometimes.  I see it for good, but there sure is a lot of drama!  (see those dislikes about fake people)! :)

Ok, that's a total of 12....I think we're good for today!  Don't get me wrong, there's many more likes, but it's late and I want to post and I have work still to do---also, I'm not sure y'all will read this if it's too long!!! :)

Night Night---til tomorrow!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Day 1 ~ Basic Things about Me!

Thanks for stopping by....I was challenged to a 30-day blog challenge and thought, it's been a while since I've blogged so maybe this will get me back into something I truly enjoyed doing when I 'used-to' blog.

It's Day 1- November 1, 2015:

Today's challenge was to write some basic things about me.  Since I'm not sure who will read this (or why) I guess we'll get the basic-basics out of the way.

My name is Michelle Marie Mosher, and my parents say that the MMM wasn't on purpose, I'll let you decide if you believe that or not!  I'm married (to Todd), have an almost 12-year-old stepdaughter named Elise. We live just south of Tampa, Florida with our dogs, Cocoa & Lilly (and Elise's two fish, Sam & Leo).

Todd & I own and I run an independent insurance agency.  I've been in the insurance business since 1994 in some aspect or another, I truly am not sure I know how to do anything else but I bet I could learn.  Need some insurance, in Florida?  We can help!  Check out (shameless plug, right?!)

I love love love dogs, although after having three at one time I have realized that two is the perfect number of dogs.  Three was too many at one time!  I can't go into all of my likes and dislikes, because, while I haven't read ahead for the whole month, I did look at tomorrow's topic and well, let's just say, you'll learn more about my likes & dislikes then!

I was born in Massachusetts and have lived in Virginia, Florida, Maryland and Connecticut before making my home back in the Tampa Bay area in 2007.  In Florida, I have lived in the Orlando area, the Jacksonville area and Tampa.  I graduated from Lyman High School (go Greyhounds) in 1986.  I love living in Tampa Bay and can't imaging living anywhere else.

What more is there to know about me...I'm an only child, my parents live in Melbourne, Florida and I'm the oldest of six grandchildren.  The matriarch of our family, Marie, is 96 years old, fifty years older than me, almost to the day!  There's good genes in my family I guess!

Throughout the month you'll learn more about me as I tackle each blog topic the best I can.  I have a few days to learn what Tumblr is and why my name should mean something there, so Wednesday's blog post should be interesting!

For tonight, this is Basic Things about Me....