Friday, November 6, 2015

Day 6~Music Makers

WOO HOO!  We made it to Friday!  TGIF!  Hope you all had a wonderful day!  I was  busy, it's been a great month so far, and it's just getting started!

Today's post is supposed to be about "What Band or Music is Important to Me?"

This was tough for me because music is not a huge center point in my life.  I don't have family member that are in bands or musicians (or I'd have to pick them!)

Don't get me wrong, I love music.  I typically listen to music all day at my office, it's background music.  Typically current 'Pop' music or Country.  It just kinda depends on my mood.  I can't really say that I have a favorite song or a favorite artist.  I like a mix of music.  I like 80's (it's when I grew up!) and Christmas music, but only during December! :)

Personally, musically, I'm not talented.  I'm not a good singer, but I sing anyway, and I never learned how to play an instrument.  Although, I learned today that Elise's first choice for her 2nd half of the year electives is Orchestra and she wants to play the Viola.

I know a lot of people who put a big emphasis on music in their lives.  I've known people who are musicians, band members, people who can quote song lyrics to go along with their daily life circumstances, that's just not me.

I guess that makes this blog post pretty short because there's not much left to say on it.  I'm not the first person in line to buy concert tickets (I was spoiled with the best concert ever) ...but concerts are another topic so we'll save those for that day!

On this end of the work-week, enjoy a short post and have a wonderful weekend!!


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