Monday, November 16, 2015

Day 16~The End of the World As I Know It~

Happy Monday---I come to you with a skinned knee, a bit lip, ripped jeans and a twisted ankle...only I can step on a rock (think a small landscape rock, not a boulder, not a pebble, simply a stupid rock), make said rock roll a bit under my shoe and end up face down in my driveway---totally stone cold sober.  I need a glass of wine now!

That's how my afternoon was, I picked up Elise from school, and going back out to the car to go back to the office had a little blunder.... jeesh!  #rockandroll #clutz

Anyway-today we are blogging about If the world were to end tomorrow, what would I do with my remaining time on earth....

As I saw my life flash before my eyes as I was going face first into my driveway I thought I would give anything to get up before a neighbor sees me sprawled out in the driveway.  I thought I was close to the end of my life!  That being said, that's not how I would have wanted to spend it.

Questions like this are tough for me.  I mean, tomorrow doesn't give me much time since it's um...8:20 PM and I assume wishing for more time isn't going to be a productive waste of the time I have since we're limited on time, I'd probably spend as much possible time as I could with my family.

I guess I wouldn't care about making sure Todd could access my checking account or knew where my life insurance policies were, since the world is ending there's no need for all that time wasting.  I would eat at the most expensive restaurant in town (since we've got no time to travel!)  I'd have the best glass of wine I could find and I'd splurge on amazing desserts and cheese :) I love cheese.  I'd miss cheese.  Maybe that should have been my food I could eat forever...anyway, I could ...if the world were ending tomorrow.

It's interesting to me that this post was after all of the tragedy that happened in Paris this weekend.  I am NOT political and I'm not turning this political, but those people who were killed certainly had no idea that morning that they were living their last day on earth.  It really makes you think about each thing that you do.  I'm pretty sure Hallmark didn't make a card for this!

I certainly don't want to go through life with a doom and gloom attitude of what if this is the last blog post I write (it' not my plan) or the last time I log into Facebook (the horror!)

I know far too many people who have lived their last day and due to some sort of tragic accident, they didn't know that was the case.  I suppose that's why "they" say, live each day to your fullest.  Sometimes life gets in the way of living life.  That makes sense in my head...hopefully it does in your head too!

If I knew it were my last day on earth, I'd skip work.  I'd want to hang with those that mean the most to me, I'd want to watch one last Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (there's a tradition, I will write about it when it's time...the 26th you'll hear more about that....anyway, I'd snuggle with my Puggle and I'd just BE ME.  I'd miss my friends, I'd miss my family it's something I'm not ready to think about....and so that's that.  I'm done with that topic.

I sure hope it's not the end of our world.  It's a crazy world we live in today-but let's hope we all have a long time left in it!

Until tomorrow....assumingly~


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