Saturday, November 28, 2015

Day 28~ If it was 11:11, what would be your wish?

It's Saturday....and for significance reasons, I'm going to try to post this at 11:11 ... but we'll see how that all works out.

Today's post reads ... "Do you wish for anything at 11:11?  If so, what do you wish for?"

I have to be honest, I don't pay a bit of attention to wishing for something at 11:11, be it day or night. I see random posts on Facebook of people reminding people it's 11:11 but I really didn't get the significance of it until tonight when I Googled it to see what I could find.

Apparently the common theory is, well, i mean, we already know the numbers are all the same, but it's believed when you see the numbers and make a wish then it's believed to come true.  I call bull-donkeys.... I just don't believe it.

Some people claim that when they see the numbers you should ask for guidance from your 'angels'...again, bull ;)

According to numerology, the number 11 possess the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic.

Whatever you believe, if you are a wisher, or a dreamer and believe those things can come true for all means, keep doing what you're's just not my thing.

As a matter o' fact, in case it's not your thing and you always wondered about it and now you know more and you want to make it your thing....I'm posting early so you're ready if the mood strikes and you want to wish at 11:11....

What would you wish for?

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