Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 24~Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot

Two more days until the best day of the year!  I love Thanksgiving and the kick off to the Holiday season!!!  I can't wait to curl up and watch THE PARADE and cook and just hang with my family.  Perfection!!!!!!!!

We're on Day 24....I can't believe we're a week away from December and from the end of my 30-day blog challenge!  If I were to continue after this 30 days, what would you guys want to read about?  I need to know so I know if it's something to move forward with or not :)

On Day 24 our topic is "Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot"....Wow....my mind goes a million miles a minute sometimes...so let's see what the first seven things are tonight....

1.  Clock Watching & Car Line-Every since the first day of this school year I have been the pick-up parent.  Because Elise is in magnet school, the bus transportation is sketchy at best.  It's a long trip (yet school is 2 miles from home) and most magnet school transportation seems to center around car line.  Most days, my day is crazy and I have an alarm set on my phone for the time I need to leave to pick her up from school.  I have an intense fear that the alarm won't go off and I'll forget to get her.  It's crazy, but it's true....every day.... yet so far, we're 1/4 of the way (plus) through the school year and she's yet to be left at school wondering where I am.... I worry sometimes for nothing!

2.  Technology enhancements for the Agency in 2016- This is something I think about a LOT!  As the person in the office who tracks where the business comes from and how we get new business I want to make sure we are doing everything we need to be doing and the right amounts of it to meet our goals.  It seems that during the daytime I work IN the business and at night I work ON the business.  I research things that people recommend and think about how those things fit into the agency.  It's a never ending thought!

3.  What to get Todd for ___________ (Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary, etc)- He's the hardest person I know to buy for!  Seems I'm writing this near the Holiday's so maybe that's why it's fresh on my mind.  After Christmas I won't have to think about it for a while but between his birthday in September, our Anniversary in October and then Christmas it's all bang, bang, bang!  Yikes, whatcha want for Christmas honey???

4.  What to have for dinner-Most every single night.  Which is ridiculous.  Ridiculous because I mean it's not like we buy food we don't like, but we can never make a decision as to what to have for dinner.  I don't know, what do you want?  I don't care... ugh.  It's a struggle unless I just make a meal plan every week....guess that would make that thought go away--but then I'd have to think about the meal plan!

5.  I wonder what my dogs think when we talk to them- We have two dogs, Cocoa and Lilly and we talk to them all the time....and I just wonder when they look at us what they are thinking.  I'm pretty sure they think we're nuts, but it's fun to watch their facial expressions when you say or do different things.  A dog's life...sure seems easy.  Maybe Lilly can go sell some insurance tomorrow and I'll nap in the bath tub!

6.  Where to go on our next vacation- I don't know, where do you want to go?  We may as well be eating dinner!  Usually when Elise is gone we try to get away for a couple of days during the Holidays for some R&R.  We've done Key West, Savannah, a Cruise, a staycation with lots of little day trips and now we're discussing what to do this year.  We have no child the week between Christmas & New Years but we need to be back for January 2, for Kristin's wedding (our part timer in the office), so we're looking for Tuesday-Friday and if you have a "Florida" suggestion, we're interested in investigating it further!

7.  How to find more time in my day- If anyone has any insight on this one I need help.  My typical day starts with an alarm at or before 6:00 each morning (weekends not included), a meeting at 7:30 (three days per week) and ends at 11:00 PM when I finally go to bed to catch the headlines before calling it a night.  In between there is work, meetings, client visits, car line, dinner, more work, a bit of tv/computer/family hang out time but it seems like the days fly by.  What's up with that?!?!

There you go, that's seven and I even expounded upon them. That being said, it's time to call it quits for the night.  My goal tomorrow is to be out of the office by 3:00 for the holiday.  I have a 5:00 conference call that I can do from anywhere and it's Elise's actual birthday, so I'm thinking about working from home after lunch (taking her to lunch) so I can just begin my four day weekend!  We'll see how the day plays out and if that will work or not!!

See y'all tomorrow!!


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