Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 13~Friday the 13th~Disclosure Day!

Happy Happy Friday (Still!)

We're on Day 13 and it's Friday--yep Friday the 13th....just another day on the calendar.  Today my post is kinda fun...and could go so many different directions but .... it won't :)

Confession Day!  Three confessions of my choice!  Since they are my choice they can't be all that bad, right?!?  Let's see where this one goes.... I have no script just kinda winging it!

Let's go backwards, maybe it will be more dramatic...haha, maybe not!

Confession # 3...I love being an only child ;) I already talked about my family in the first week and how we're amazing and we have no drama, all that fun stuff.  I don't think I mentioned that I'm one of several grandchildren to my grandparents.  My mother has two brothers and my father had two sisters, all who had multiple children.  (Dad's side:  6 plus me, Mom's side: 6 including me) so I have lots of cousins and lots of extended cousins, but I am the ONLY child and I loved it.  I never had to fight with anyone for attention although, it was always "my fault" when something went wrong too!  LOL  .... I don't think I was 'spoiled' much but truly shown the value of the things I wanted and received.  My parents worked hard to provide for me and I hope I never took that for granted, but I was a kid, so I'm sure I did at some point! Hopefully they forgave me!!

Confession # 2...since just after high school I have struggled with my weight and I freaking hate it.  It's up, it's down and I know, I know.  I have excuse after excuse and it's a struggle I fight each and every day...hence the past blog I've discussed on Facebook comments.  I guess it's something I'll struggle with continually, at this age.  I'm not giving up, but I really wish my metabolism was different.

Confession # 1...I had resigned myself to not being a mom.  Yep, I have Elise here, 90% of the time, now.  Before she came along I had a very rocky 'reproductive road' with a few miscarriages, a surgery to have my tubes tied (at 29-dumbest thing I ever did), a surgery to have that undone only to lead to another miscarriage that solidified my decision to not be a mom.

I guess they (who are THEY??) really mean 'never say never'.  One day when you least expect it, the guy that's perfect for you (neither of us are perfect, but we're really good together!) comes stumbling into your life (not literally) and wham, he has a, deal-breaker or No?  Let's see how this goes....months later you meet the child, and things just work.  Don't get me wrong, it was NOT always wonderful, it's still not always wonderful, we're different people and Todd & I have different parenting styles but I wouldn't change this experience for the world.  Elise and Todd complete my life in a way I had assumed just wouldn't be.  I'm not sure if they know what that means to me, but I think they'll figure it out some day --- they definitely weren't a deal-breaker   :)

Those aren't very exciting confessions....and the people who know me the best know there's so many more confessions I could have shared, but  the fun of this is it's all my choice!

I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.  We're unfortunately watching the news about the attacks in Paris, and this is absolutely awful.  Hug your family tight, it's a crazy world we live in today.

See y'all tomorrow sometime!!


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