Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 11~ Never Ever Give Up...and Build a Door!

Happy Wednesday!!  It's been a crafty night here as I try to do some of the prep for Elise's upcoming birthday party.

Tonight's post is "What is Your Favorite Quote"  .... I enjoy reading quotes on profile pages and through Pinterest I have a quote board, but there are two that always come back to me...

The first one is by Winston Churchill, 'Never Ever Give Up' and the second by Milton Berle "If Opportunity Doesn't Knock, Build a Door"...

These two quotes suit me pretty well.  Year over year nothing really came easily to me.  I struggled with school (partially why I hate Elise's homework) and struggled in relationships, but I never gave up and when I wanted something I had to build a door to get it.

Nothing in my life has ever been handed to me.  I learned work ethic at a very early age and I learned (somehow) to fight for what I want, and I do...I work HARD to build our business into something successful, because I've been on the not-so-successful side of a business and it was even harder work!  I do what it takes, failure isn't an option and I refuse to give up!

Rarely will I take "NO" for an answer on something I have set my sights on obtaining.  It seems to me that when I do give up on something it was something I just didn't care enough about to keep up the fight...mostly on trivial things.

In my business I have a choice every day to either DO it or give up....there are days when I want to give up.  Days when the struggle with a client is too much or the determination to find the perfect package for the client who needs something but I can't get it is frustrating...and there's just simply days where everything is an issue.  We all have those days.  Days where we'd much rather be on the beach, sipping on a Mojito and dreaming of winning Powerball....but life is life and not many people get to win Powerball!

To me these quotes exemplify my life, I need to remember never to give up and I have certainly built doors when I thought opportunity should have been knocking and it wasn't .... sometimes you have to pave the road yourself, and that's exactly what I have been doing for years.

My family and friends who have known me a long time will tell you that no matter what happens, I always land on my feet.  Through failed relationships, bad jobs, worse bosses, business deals gone bad, I always come out on top!  The next thing is usually the better thing anyway and sometimes I just needed to push my way through to get there.  That being said, I landed on my feet, and now it's time to rise!

My family life is wonderful, my business life is wonderful....I have the best friends anyone could ask for and it's nowhere but up from here!  (Sounds like another quote!) :)

Since I don't play Powerball, there's not a chance for me to win, but I'll keep reaching and I might drink a Mojito or two along the way--but I won't give up!!!

See y'all tomorrow~


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