Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 9~Pets and Peeves....Because they go together!

Happy Happy Monday!  It's "Day 9" and we're still right on track!  I kinda hate that today is Monday and the blog topic for the 9th is Pet Peeves, seems like a complainer blog and on a Monday!  That's no fun!

Oh well, off we go!

First and foremost, since it's 'news-worthy' today, It bugs me when people have to stretch to make a new story--When this is a top story-it's a slow news day, which might not be a bad thing!

I mean, really....does anyone care what color their cup is that they drink from?   I heard once that people who drink out of red cups and off of red plates eat & drink 25% more (I heard this from someone who works in Memory Care about how they get their patients to eat more) maybe, just maybe this has nothing to do with religion but all to do with Starbucks wanting to sell more red cups or larger red cups or more Venti Latte's.... it might just be a way for Starbucks to make more money.  Quite honestly I don't care what color my cup is... after my coffee it's going in the recycle bin, so why does it matter for an hour of my life???  Ok, one down!   #mountainsandmolehills

Secondly, and this might be silly, but it's my list...I cannot stand people who drive with their pets in their lap.  People say to me that using your phone in the car is distracting (and we know that me listening to podcasts is distracting) but for real?  People, you have an animal in your lap while you are trying to maneuver a vehicle, that's just stupid stuff.  What if....I could have a running list of what if's but I feel like y'all know what those would be...I mean I sell insurance for goodness sakes!

Lastly, because it only asked for three and I could maybe go on all night....unscrupulous people.  All day long I deal with people who want something for nothing or some who want the rules bent for them to have a better deal.  Maybe it's scamming the 'system' or maybe it 'won't hurt anyone' but my ethics and my agency and my family mean more to me than your changed coverage or backdated policy.  I won't do it for them, I'm not doing it for you...don't ask.  Things that put my license and my business, my livelihood and my family on the line people think are just a little 'help' to them.  "What if I add the coverage and call tomorrow?"... Me:  What if I call the Department of Insurance and let them prosecute you?  Awesome, call tomorrow and we'll get you all taken care of!  #dudereally

Did you guys know that there's a website that lists people's Pet Peeves?  It's kinda funny!  Check it out here, if you've got time to kill, since you made it to the end of my post!

Leave a comment and tell me what your biggest Pet Peeve is, or better yet, join the 30-day Blogging Challenge!

See y'all tomorrow, for something yummy!


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