Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 17 ~ In My Second Lifetime ~ When I'm Grown Up ~

Happy Tuesday-I'm exhausted!  Today was the kick off for our new BNI chapter and lots of work. Health Insurance is in full swing and I had a lot of Workers Comp calls today as well.  Busy is good, but I'm going to bed early tonight!

So we're at Day 17---where has the month gone?

Today I'm supposed to write about what I want to be when I get older.  Well, I am....Older.  I'm older than I was yesterday, older than I was when I did most of my stupid stuff (pre-internet, thankfully)!

If I had to pick now what I want to be when I'm am older, I think I want to be independently wealthy and retired!  I'm not sure that's an option at almost 47 and nowhere near independently wealthy (or retired!).  The only independent thing I am is an insurance agent!  LOL!

But, what if I wasn't older yet... hard to say, because, well, I am...but if I were writing to you at 20 vs. 46 it might be different.  That being said it would also be different if I were writing to you at 20, twenty six years ago vs. being twenty now.

So much has changed in our world since the 1980's....it would definitely be different.  If I were twenty-something year ago me at age 20 I would probably want to be right where I am (minus that whole independently wealthy thing)....I love what I do and how I do it and I'm not sure that would ever be any different.

If I were twenty now....I may well still do the same thing and want the same thing.  However, with the fact that technology is so huge in our world, I'd hope to have enough knowledge to develop some sort of life-changing piece of technology and have sold it to Google!  Then I could be independently wealthy and retired!

What would I do though if I were retired?  I feel like I would be bored.  I could Facebook but even that gets old sometimes (Say it isn't so!)

I could volunteer more, although as much as I volunteer now, that could be like a full-time job and I don't want that if I'm retired!  I could travel (because Google would have made me wealthy!) and I would love that!  There's so many places I want to go!  I could be all over some traveling, but we also have a child in school, so that makes full time travel pretty complicated.  I'm sure NOT home-schooling her!  #ihatemath

Definitely something I don't have to worry about.  I'm pretty set in my work forever, build up this business and either have Elise take it over some day or sell it and actually retire.  Maybe, just maybe, we could 'summer' in Wisconsin :)

See y'all tomorrow!!

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