Thursday, December 17, 2015

Advent Beer Blog Day 17 ~ The Duck Rabbit Hoppy Bunny ABA

Happy Thursday!!  Tonight we had a party and I'm already a night behind (day 16 not done yet) but I wanted to get this out there because it was pretty good!

Tonight, day 17....we only have a week left, What to do?!?!  We enjoyed tonight a Duck-Rabbit Hoppy Bunny ABA

This was a new and different one for us!  ABA-American Black Ale and was quite hoppy and very black in color.  It had great flavor with hints of chocolate.  Apparently there are 8 different hops in this beer giving i's aroma and flavor.

This is a beer available all year-round by Duck Rabbit Craft Brewery in Farmville, NC.  Duck Rabbit sold its first beer in 2004 and has been growing ever since.  They have a selection of core brews as well as a list of seasonal brews including Barleywine, Scotch Ale and Porters.

Let's chat for a moment about their logo.  Apparently there is a bit of folklore in their logo which is an adaptation of Ludwig Wittgenstein's illustration.  Depending on how you look at it, it could be a duck or you could see a rabbit.

This brewer, Paul Phillippon, enjoys brewing a dark beer.  Indicating that the secret to brewring a dark beer is knowing the ingredients you want to us.  Duck-Rabbit combines barley from North Dakota (where my brother-in-law lives) and Canada with hops from Washington state  Paul also suggests the serving temperature of dark beer to be 50 degrees, not ice cold.  This helps preserve the taste and aroma.

Beer Advocate scores this one an 87 and I would agree, it was enjoyable and packs a 7.3% alcohol content.

You can find this one on tap at The Brass Tap in Lakeland or at Craft Beer Cellar in Brandon!

Check it out:

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